Tag: their

Darren Cahr

Social Medicine?

Posted on August 20th, by in Life Sciences. No Comments

It isn’t difficult to see that the main impact of social media penetration in our culture is an epidemic of oversharing. Americans under the age of 25 have a very different approach to privacy than, say, your average 30 year-old, and feel weirdly comfortable sharing details of their private lives.  E-mail is considered to be outlandishly formal, large scale sharing over social networks and texting is commonplace, and the barriers between personal and institutional communication are nearly non-existent.

This has led, predictably, to mass sharing of medical information online — even two years ago, news organizations were reporting on the rise of “e-patients” who talk to medical experts and amongst themselves in order to obtain treatment, piece of mind and/or the thrill of exposure.

Suddenly, there is widespread information about adverse outcomes and side effects, in every search that someone does for … Read More »

Neil Haimm

Tremendous Transactional Opportunities

Posted on August 7th, by in Corporate. No Comments

For deal junkies, the next 5-10 years should be quite interesting in the life sciences/health care industry. We have already seen large pharmaceutical company consolidations, financial buyers investing in health care institutions and partnerships between payors and providers. And much of this before the Supreme Court decided that health care reform is here to stay.

What is driving this? Need, opportunity, cash and innovation. Pharmaceutical company brand drugs are losing their patent protection, the cost/risk of developing new drugs is enormous, heath care costs need to be controlled, people are living longer, health care reform is triggering new behaviors and strategies and, despite the difficult financial times, there is much cash available for investment. Also, much of the broader life sciences/health care industry has been slow in technology adoption, while technology and social media continues advancing, being available to a broader … Read More »

Julie Rusczek

Still Waiting for Guidance on Informed Consent of Decisionally-Impaired Subjects

A July 11, 2012 article by Gina Kolata in the New York Times describes a recent discovery of a rare gene mutation that protects people from Alzheimer’s disease by slowing the production of beta amyloid.  Excessive amounts of beta amyloid in the brain are believed to cause Alzheimer’s.  The discovery bolsters hope that drugs, currently in development, that reduce levels of brain amyloid will prove effective in slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s.

The lack of clear guidelines for enrolling in clinical research decisionally-impaired subjects, or those who may become impaired over the course of a study  may hinder efforts to conduct trials of Alzheimer’s drugs.  In 2010, an Institute of Medicine summary  of a workshop on the state of clinical trials in the United States noted that 27% of investigators in the U.S. failed to enroll any subjects in trials in … Read More »

Robyn Shapiro

U.S. Supreme Court’s Affordable Care Act Decision: Impacts on Life Sciences

Posted on June 28th, by in Life Sciences. 1 Comment

The June 28, 2012 U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Act”) impacts the life sciences industry in a number of ways, including impacts on innovation and compliance initiatives by medical device, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology companies.


A number of provisions in the Act provide incentives and resources for product innovation.  First, it is expected that more than 30 million Americans will obtain health care coverage on account of the Act.  A bigger pool of Americans with health coverage to pay for treatment will yield growth in pharmaceutical sales and, perhaps, the ability to charge higher drug prices, which, in turn, could spur innovation.  In addition, the Act created the Therapeutic Discovery Project Program, through which $1 billion in new therapeutic discovery project grants and tax credits will be awarded.  In 2010, 2,923 companies specializing in biotechnology … Read More »

Darren Cahr

Life Sciences – Just Another Way to Say “Intellectual Property”?

Posted on April 12th, by in IP. No Comments

There is no corner of the American economy more deeply dependent on intellectual property rights than the life sciences. Of course, we all know that patents have long been central to the success of pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, and the unanimous decision in the Prometheus case this past month has brought additional scrutiny to a market segment often misunderstood in the popular press. That said, for players in the life sciences space, patents are only one of many ways that intellectual property shapes their business. In fact, the trademark, unfair competition and copyright laws can be just as critical, and a strategic understanding of their value can provide companies with real ownable distinction in the market.
What is a product with “ownable distinction?” It is the opposite of a generic commodity, and it is the holy grail in the life sciences. It … Read More »

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