
Interesting new posts from our Labor & Employment colleagues:

With the expansive spread of the flu this season, many concerns have come up for places of business.  What can businesses do to prevent the spread of the virus among its employees?  The following blog posts from our Labor & Employment team help to explain the legality behind dealing with this type of circumstance.

The Dos and Don’ts of Implementing a Mandatory Flu Vaccine Policy Outside the Hospital Setting 
By: Meredith R. Murphy

Firing Employees Who Don’t Get Flu Shots: What Risks Do Hospitals Face?
By: Mark D. Nelson

“Perspectives on Biosimilars”

Missed our recent webinar on biosimilars?…Click below to view the presentation in its entirety.  Panelists Christine Norris, Debora Plehn-Dujowich and Doyle Siever were led by John Marshall, discussing regulatory issues, perspectives from the IP community, and practical advice in the rapidly developing area of the pharmaceutical industry.

Click Here


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From the Blog

Privately Held Medical Device and Drug Companies Face Unique Sunshine Act Challenges

As widely reported, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) recently issued regulations implementing the Sunshine Act provisions of the Affordable Care Act. ...

What Goes Up…Must Come Down: Viagra patent invalidated by Canadian Supreme Court

Pfizer and Teva have been fighting a legal battle over Pfizer’s patent for Viagra in Canada.  The first shot was fired when Novopharm Limited,...

The Perils and Promise of 3D Printing: Are DIY Life Sciences in Your Future?

With news that 3D printing (without question one of the coolest technologies to come down the road in quite some time) can be used...