Category: Corporate
Where to Spend Your Healthcare Investment Dollars
In a blog entry written over the summer, I expressed the view that the next 5-10 years will present tremendous transactional opportunities in the life sciences/health care industry. Nothing has happened to dampen that view. In fact, President Obama’s reelection, which means that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is here to stay and will be fully implemented over the next few years, and our ongoing deficit reduction concerns, mandate that efficiency, cost control and strategic ways to provide better quality healthcare will be at center stage. So let’s focus in on some investment opportunities that may be interesting.
For those willing to tackle regulatory and reimbursement hurdles, there should be many opportunities in the provider world. This could take the form of hospital mergers and consolidations, spin-off of various medical and lab services that have been provided at hospitals and … Read More »
Tremendous Transactional Opportunities
For deal junkies, the next 5-10 years should be quite interesting in the life sciences/health care industry. We have already seen large pharmaceutical company consolidations, financial buyers investing in health care institutions and partnerships between payors and providers. And much of this before the Supreme Court decided that health care reform is here to stay.
What is driving this? Need, opportunity, cash and innovation. Pharmaceutical company brand drugs are losing their patent protection, the cost/risk of developing new drugs is enormous, heath care costs need to be controlled, people are living longer, health care reform is triggering new behaviors and strategies and, despite the difficult financial times, there is much cash available for investment. Also, much of the broader life sciences/health care industry has been slow in technology adoption, while technology and social media continues advancing, being available to a broader … Read More »