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Overlapping Post-Marketing Challenges for Biopharmaceuticals: Pharamacovigilance, Products Liability, and Biosmiliars

Krista Cosner published, “Overlapping Post-Marketing Challenges for Biopharmaceuticals: Pharmacovigilance, Products Liability, and Biosimilars,” in the following publications: Bloomberg Services (May 16), BioTech Watch (May...

Privately Held Medical Device and Drug Companies Face Unique Sunshine Act Challenges

As widely reported, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) recently issued regulations implementing the Sunshine Act provisions of the Affordable Care Act. ...

What Goes Up…Must Come Down: Viagra patent invalidated by Canadian Supreme Court

Pfizer and Teva have been fighting a legal battle over Pfizer’s patent for Viagra in Canada.  The first shot was fired when Novopharm Limited,...